Is repentance just an archaic word? For many of us it brings to mind hell-fire preaching and decision making to believe Jesus is God and forgives us our sins. I am not saying that is not part of it. I am saying it is extremely narrow. A lot of my friends get triggered by religious words due to spiritual/religious abuse in their lives. I love religious/spiritual language and attempting to bring more clarity rather than using them in any sort of condemning or manipulative way.
Repentance is a change in direction towards the Way of God. Acting in different way with sincere regret and remorse for how we were prior to the awareness of the direction we were previously headed.
Is this only individual? Can we repent for the actions of our ancestors as well as our own?
As AA says " Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get what you've always got." The individual, while being priceless, is always in need of others in the human community to have effective change.
Repentance is not mental. There is a saying in Fr. Richard Rohr's community that "We cannot think our way into a different way of acting but we can act our way into a different way of thinking." It takes ongoing action and examination. Not an examination that brings about self-condemnation and shame but an examination that actually celebrates our humanity in humility and is not afraid to continually ask for help.
Repentance brings to mind the forgiving and merciful nature of God. As a younger believer in my 20's I rejected ongoing repentance because I was carrying too much shame and the subconscious belief that I was not okay as a flawed human. So I projected that I had already repented as a 'one and done' way of belief. If your concept of God is that he would rather see you burn if it wasn't for Jesus it makes sense to want to be abstractly 'good' even if my thoughts and actions didn't reflect any real change. Faith without action causes a spinning of the wheels and as St. James said is "dead".
Our nation (note: I am a middle aged white male) is coming into a time of greater awareness of our systemic racism against POC and particularly the black community. This is a time to individually and corporately. Remember we 'reap what we sow". This can go on for many generations to where our children and children's children reap what was sown. To the fortunate white person who has never been racist in any way, shape or form, be thankful. Your ancestors weren't that enlightened. We can continue to repent and look back not with hate or disdain but an awareness that those generations were also human and prone to evil because they didn't want to see it just as we have a hard time seeing the evil of our times. At least it can be hard to see it within but easy to see it in others.
We need repentance and the Spirit is moving within all of us to cause that to happen. The stiff-necked will have a harder time hearing Her voice.And that applies to all of us when there is stuff we don't want to look at currently. It is always God kindness that leads to repentance. More often than not that kindness is seen and melts the hard heart through the awakening that occurs when we see injustice and also when we see love and kindness in action. Repentance is the necessary step toward reconciliation. Reconciliation is the call of of all Christians, to God and to our neighbors. How can we ever heal what we cannot acknowledge (paraphrase of a saying author unknown).
No one is above the need for repentance. Again, this isn't about self-loathing or condemnation. Forgiveness, grace and love is Gods nature and the nature we are called to live out ourselves. It is cooperating with the Spirit within you and your own spirit. It is about humility. Can we humble ourselves? Can we take that repentance into action to help usher in the kingdom and reign of God? Can this repentance lead us into a greater love for our neighbor as well as ourselves? Will repentance lead to reconciliation?
Ask God and trust that He will let you know what work you need to allow to be done within. Don't fear widespread awakening, even if it makes you uncomfortable. What you fear may be the source of your greatest strength and love.
It's time. Let's listen and take action. Let the Kingdom and reign of God come.
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches" Rev 2:29