Episcopal Church | Not About Fire Insurance
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Welcome to Not About Fire Insurance

This is part of my journey as a disenfranchised evangelical into the Way of Love within the Episcopal Tradition. Our culture loves to "Throw the baby out with the bathwater"  And then grasp in the dark for something or anything. We all know so little. This blog will probably show how little I know as well!

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An Easter People, A People Of Hope.

These times are difficult for sure. Sickness and potential economic doom are lurking. Many people in the West are suffering in ways we...

A New Reality

As I have had an awareness of my walk with the Lord, it has shifted over the years. As a young adult I often saw faith as arguing with...

A Maundy Thursday Reflection

God washes our feet. And tells us to do likewise. He tells us to serve and to not seek preference. He tells us we are not entirely dirty....

Holy Week Is Soon. This Is Difficult.

This lent has been pretty hard. The world is so different. We are being challenged to listen to the science and evidence of COVID-19, all...

COVID-19, An International Lent

The Coronavirus is pretty hard to adjust to, don't you think? It's challenging our assumptions and forcing us to be uncomfortable. It is...

First Monday of Lent.

11A voice came out of the sky, “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” 12Immediately the Spirit drove him out into the...

The Paradox of Worthiness

This is a prayer that is at the end of Morning Prayer. It is rich and complex. I do not know the history of it so these are my musings. I...

For Every Careless Word...

This past week the president gave Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I listened to the crass satirist up until about 15...

When Evil Prospers

Someone could come to the conclusion that my lack of emphasis on hell means that I do not see the evil in our world. A kumbaya view of life,

A Modern Mars Hill

I can truly see how spiritual America is these days. Even if a bit agnostic. We practice gratitude, mindfulness and often send good vibes...

A Shooter in Church

There is a fair amount of discussion about the man who stopped a more widespread shooting by killing the man intending harm. As...

The Slaughter of the Holy Innocents

Painting by Léon Cogniet. Today the church remembers the children that King Herod had murdered to insure his authority. He did so on a...

Christmas Is Here! Alleluia!

Art 'The Rest Among The Shepherds' by Massimo Barbi Christmas is here! Alleluia! Merry Christmas to you and yours! This is a major feast...

Impeachment in America

Politically speaking, we are definitely in an opinion zone in America today. We’re all wrong and we’re all right. Remember those to whom...

The Third Week of Advent

Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the...

The First Sunday of Advent

I really like how one of our priests, Mtr Kelly, jokingly said this today "In the Christian calendar, this is our New Year. Now prepare...

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