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Welcome to Not About Fire Insurance

This is part of my journey as a disenfranchised evangelical into the Way of Love within the Episcopal Tradition. Our culture loves to "Throw the baby out with the bathwater"  And then grasp in the dark for something or anything. We all know so little. This blog will probably show how little I know as well!

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A Sad Gospel

Yesterday I saw this picture on the TobyMac page and thought it was beautiful. Then I made the classic mistake of reading the comments....

The Grace Of God Is An Offense

A buddy and I have said over the years that karma is a b**** while grace is not. That isn't always the case for those experiencing the

When Evil Prospers

Someone could come to the conclusion that my lack of emphasis on hell means that I do not see the evil in our world. A kumbaya view of life,

The First Sunday of Advent

I really like how one of our priests, Mtr Kelly, jokingly said this today "In the Christian calendar, this is our New Year. Now prepare...

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