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Welcome to Not About Fire Insurance

This is part of my journey as a disenfranchised evangelical into the Way of Love within the Episcopal Tradition. Our culture loves to "Throw the baby out with the bathwater"  And then grasp in the dark for something or anything. We all know so little. This blog will probably show how little I know as well!


Home: Welcome

Never Alone

I have been blessed with the gift of faith since as long as I can remember. I had the scary theologies given to me such as: being an evil...

A New Reality

As I have had an awareness of my walk with the Lord, it has shifted over the years. As a young adult I often saw faith as arguing with...

When Evil Prospers

Someone could come to the conclusion that my lack of emphasis on hell means that I do not see the evil in our world. A kumbaya view of life,

Christmas Is Here! Alleluia!

Art 'The Rest Among The Shepherds' by Massimo Barbi Christmas is here! Alleluia! Merry Christmas to you and yours! This is a major feast...

Impeachment in America

Politically speaking, we are definitely in an opinion zone in America today. We’re all wrong and we’re all right. Remember those to whom...

The Third Week of Advent

Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the...

The First Sunday of Advent

I really like how one of our priests, Mtr Kelly, jokingly said this today "In the Christian calendar, this is our New Year. Now prepare...

Toxic Christian Music

I love praise and worship music. It's emotion and connection is almost mystical. It took me a little longer to get used to the dominant...

All Saints Day

Today the Church celebrates All Saints Day. We look back at the heroes of the faith and allow them to inspire us to greater devotion to...

Christian Nihilism

I loved the Left Behind series. Those books were real page turners. The idea of being swept away with true believers was captivating....

Stubbornly Christian

Hi, friends! It's been about 4 years since I blogged regularly. I forgot how to log in and maneuver my old site so here's my new one!

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Church Windows


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