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  • Writer's pictureSteve Connelly

If It's Not About Fire Insurance Then What... More Thoughts

Updated: Jan 23, 2020

Why did I gravitate towards this image of Jesus as a young man? Jesus looks like more of a mythic person. He looks more like Conan the Barbarian or He-Man or even the Marvel character, Thor. In this image he looks tough and on his own. I had this shirt back then and I loved it! As long as I could remember, my mom had a problem with the emaciated, dying Jesus we see on a crucifix. She would always comment about how our Lord wasn't weak and then she inevitably would mention the cleansing of the temple.

I think this type of image is a toxic spin on the Gospel. A way to make the Gospel more masculine; as if loving God and our neighbors isn't enough of a challenge. Of course its a parody of gyms and working out but it also looks like it is making Jesus into our (projected) image. A tough, isolated rugged individual of a god. Americans aren't the only one's to paint this distortion onto the Messiah. The Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees (religious leaders of Jesus' day) all 'knew' how the Messiah would appear on the scene. He would appear in a flurry of wrath and vengeance on Israel's enemies and then set up Israel to rule over the nations. This is also how we tend to look at Revelations as well. I believe Islam also has a similar end in mind of this unyielding, relentless messiah. I must admit I am not an expert on Islam or Judaism and if this isn't accurate I offer my sincerest apologies. My thoughts are directed more towards those who say that they identify as Christians.

As a Christian, why is it easier to paint wrath on the face of God? Why isn't mercy, love and grace more of our default? Why are we able to run with what Jesus said in an apocalyptic prophecy yet lose sight of His words in the Gospels. Will Jesus shift back into the vengeful seeming God of the Old Testament? "Love your enemies...just kidding, guys" "Turn the other cheek...well, that's just not practical." "When you carry anger towards another, you are committing murder in your heart...psych!" "If you love me, keep my commandments....why, try? You can't really do it. Gosh you guys are so gullible." "Forgive them, they do not know what they are doing....but now you do so I will destroy damn near every one of you!!

The way we practice our faith has unlimited possibilities when we engage our relationship with God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. (God still works with bad theologies or no theologies) Jesus is the *exact* image of the invisible God and fulfilled every aspect of the law and the prophets. He did this through human suffering and weakness. When we lose sight of the human passion of the Son of God we truly miss the mark of how God is present in our sufferings! Jesus is fully God AND fully man, this is not a super-hero description, this is other-worldly. God is not far off and aloof. For all time, Jesus has taken humanity into God and in that relationship poured out the Spirit into humanity. Yet awareness, humility and desire are always necessary to experience. We can be blind and deaf to the glory all around us. We can choose the cynical, skeptical way (that is not the same as critical thinking) and rarely see the Kingdom in our midst.

A weak God. A God who dies. A God who bleeds, A God who experiences every form of abuse, torture and betrayal. A God who weeps. A God who is full of compassion and mercy. A God who dwells inside all the ugliness of humanity and enlivens the beauty. A God who allows our will to be. A God who is murdered at our hands. A God who will never leave us or forsake us. A God who keeps our tears. A God who embraces our weakness. A God who IS Love. As Fr. Richard Rohr puts it "An All-Vulnerable God."

This is the challenge we face. Do we want or believe in the God revealed in Jesus Christ? Or are going to continue the bloodthirsty saga of waiting for God's wrath on those who (conveniently) are different from us?

If the life, death and resurrection of Jesus is not beautiful and life changing then maybe fire-insurance is all we have? I believe in my heart and with the 'communion of the saints' that the Gospel is so much more! In 2000 years I don't think we have scratched the surface.

Now is time for fear-mongering faith to stop. Judgment is for God alone and God is trustworthy. . There is nothing wrong with hoping in the love of God for the reconciliation of all things. This is not false, this is Good News!

May we contemplate and dive into relationship with this God who is Love.

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