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  • Writer's pictureSteve Connelly

An Easter People, A People Of Hope.

These times are difficult for sure. Sickness and potential economic doom are lurking. Many people in the West are suffering in ways we really haven't seen in our lifetime. 80-90 years ago it was experienced but as all generations we have an myopic focus on our times It can be disheartening to look at it all. (This is where I see the world from, obviously the whole world is suffering now and we are to care for us all.) Sometimes faith leaders proclaim impending judgment or that this is what we are going through currently. They believe that they have insider knowledge into the ways of God, usually in an apocalyptic manner. The Good News is not secretive. The only insider knowledge we have is the experience of the love of God.

Impending judgment negates that God has dealt with Sin forever on the cross. There was no separation of Jesus from God in those moments of suffering, God himself is taking the full brunt of evil and transforming it through the Resurrection pouring out the Spirit on 'all flesh' awakening compassion in the human heart. God is forever human and understands us intimately. Sin is a non-issue with God other than its horrible effects and to show us our need. The heart can still be hard and life sometimes hardens it as we carry lies we had to use for survival into too many situations.

So what is the call to us Easter people, the ones who believe we are to work alongside the Lord in the Kingdom come? Do we have the power over death and sickness? Many faith healers believe that to be the Gospel. It's possible but highly unlikely to see these miracles. COVID-19 would be gone and the fame would be remarkable. Most of humanity see it as a grand charade. It's sad and can be infuriating. Jesus said "A faithless and perverse generation seeks after a sign."

We are seeing COVID-19 force a slowdown of our frantic lives. We are hungry for community and seeing the value and grace in our families as we have more time with them. Family is an intimate community the world has caused us to undervalue. Our hearts ache for the lonely, those under the strain of mental illness and/or abuse, the loss of livelihood. This is love.

What we trust in this world is an illusion. The systems are nowhere near as stable as we are led to believe. Our way of life and the belief we can fix anything we come across is being seen as paper thin. Ignorance, stupidity, selfishness and arrogance is also running wild.

We are being challenged to consider what it is we truly trust in. I am a mixed bag. Sometimes, I trust the Lord, Oftentimes in myself, sometimes, I give in to fear and entertain thoughts of the collapse of society. There is a lot going on within all of us. Perhaps this is why we normally avoid quiet and are drawn to distraction.

We are called by the God who raises the dead; this is transrational. The ultimate challenge to faith is believe this to be so even though it is unseen and hasn't been seen in about 2000 years. We trust God to give us that new life and that life can begin now. Suffering is still apart of the journey, Good Friday is before Easter. Love always produces suffering; it is worth it, consider the alternative.

Sadly, the Gospel gets reduced to this unknown future of heaven being the point of the faith. This is a piece of the hope we have but not the whole. We believe that "death has lost its sting", we grieve with all the suffering today and maintain that ultimate hope that God will make all things right. Faith is not always easy.

The Gospel power is in faith, hope, love, prayer, forgiveness, grace, mercy, care, acceptance, the ability to evolve/change and inclusion of all who wish to be. Even those who don't identify with the Church are given these gifts. We are seeing it in those who are risking their lives to treat the sick and dying due to this horrible pandemic. Potential martyrs for love of neighbor and living into their vocation and calling. These saints are essentially laying down their lives. We are inspired by them and pray for those on the front lines.

We have not been left as orphans. We watch and wait and work. We look forward in hope to be able to embrace. Every tear will be wiped away. start now where you can, maybe even your own. Our tears are truly precious and are healing waters that flow. Jesus wept. Social distancing is a particular difficulty in how we are able to comfort on another. Speak the truth of love every chance you get. Love exists with reality. It is not a blinder to it. Love will break you and build you back up.

Faith, hope and love, the greatest of these is love.

We are called to see the Lord in action; give us eyes to see Lord.

We are called to be the Lord in action; let us be your hands and feet

We are called to see the Lord in the suffering; Give us sensitive hearts to serve, encourage and weep when there is loss.

We are called to listen to the Lord through self-examination; Remind us It is okay for us to admit and feel our own suffering and be vulnerable and reach out.

We are called to faith; help us to seek and see you when the evidence can be hard to see.

We are called to hope; save us from despair.

We are called to love: Lord, help us to love our neighbors.

We are called to proclaim Good News; Lord give us your words of faith, hope and love to share with our voice

As Easter people this is our time to show the light of love.

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