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  • Writer's pictureSteve Connelly

All Saints Day

Updated: Jan 23, 2020

Today the Church celebrates All Saints Day. We look back at the heroes of the faith and allow them to inspire us to greater devotion to our Lord.

The Reformation was much needed and really helped to equalize the footing of all believers. The Church was no longer gatekeepers/guards/roadblocks to grace. This is beautiful. And we are indeed all called saints, as well as the the priesthood of all believers. There is a both/and truth to all of this I believe we have lost sight of.

When everyone gets a trophy does it lose value? Have you ever heard of a participation trophy? If everyone is a saint can we even recognize that anyone can gain any sort of virtue in character as we conformed to the image of Christ? St. Paul encourages us to run the race as if we will receive a prize. In our competitive culture ,we can see that as excluding others. That is not his point. He is saying to take your faith to heart. Allow it to motivate you. Allow yourself to fall in love with God and allow that love to move you. Maybe, the Roman Catholic Church has too much emphasis on these special saints to where people don't see their everyday as a potential for a saintly life.

There is nothing we can do to earn our status as God's children. Also, there is nothing wrong with growing into that identity in such a way as it changes us and the world around us to better reflect the Kingdom of God. We are already saints before God, If the world could begin to see us as saints in action, they will give glory to God. We see them in the actions of St.Theresa of Calcutta, Martin Luther King, Fred Rogers and Thomas Merton. These saints were flawed, as we all are, yet they trusted that God was and is actually real and lived as if that is the ultimate ground of being. And just look at what they have done. Look at what you have done when motivated by faith, hope and love.

Look at and ponder the Saints today. They are our brothers and sisters.

Happy All Saints Day!

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