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  • Writer's pictureSteve Connelly

A New Reality

As I have had an awareness of my walk with the Lord, it has shifted over the years. As a young adult I often saw faith as arguing with science. Usually against evolution and a belief that miracles were commonplace if we could just 'have faith'. My faith hasn't wavered much even though it has been challenged and I have definitely experienced doubt. I have been blessed with a beautiful ongoing subjective experience of God.

I no longer argue with science. It is like arguing with math. It just is, no matter my faith, I cannot make 2+2=5. Life is still hard at times whatever we believe. I and my loved ones will still suffer, get sick and die. To deny this is to say faith removes us from the the human experience. We proclaim Christ crucified. God experiencing suffering and death.

"If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins."

1 Corinthians 15:17

This is where we diverge from science. We know it is not rational. It is transrational. It cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I do believe the historical evidence but the science cannot back up resurrection. It's okay to experience that friction and still believe. Without a resurrection, Plato or Socrates or even Moses could possibly make the leap to be gods.

There was a shake up in the world 2000 years ago and people of Christian faith believe it was God breaking through the boundaries of science and raising up his Righteous son. This we believe or as the scripture above says, we are wasting our time.

I fully believe that the reign of God is upon us. The scriptures say that the believers have "authority". So often this is seen as authority over the natural world in some communities of faith. SOmetimes in even the wacky ways of snake-handlers but most common is the 'faith-healers' who, mysteriously, are not be healing folks of this pandemic.

What if the authority is something different? What if it is evidence? What is the evidence that Christ is raised and our faith is stupid and we are stuck on stupid?

The evidence is love, another transrational action.

What is love? Has it ever been seen? When an older priest suffering with COVID-19 gives up his respirator to a younger person; is this not an exercise of the authority of love over fear of death? What of the amish families who had their children murdered in a schoolhouse a few years back bringing meals to the family of the killer and praying for them; is this not an exercise of the authority of love over fear of death? When people dedicate their lives to social services for children, elderly and those on the margins; is this not an exercise of the authority of love over fear of death? When counselors break through the shame a person is carrying; is this not an exercise of the authority of love over fear of death? When truth is spoken to authority at the risk of ridicule or even death or imprisonment; is this not an exercise of the authority of love over fear of death? When ministers of the Gospel help heal the shame of thinking God is against them and proclaiming to them that God is for them, lies them and unconditionally loves and forgives them; is this not an exercise of the authority of love over fear of death?

Yes, there is also evidence of the evil done by those who purport to have this faith rooted in a transrational love of God and neighbor and as the Lord called us to, enemy. This is how believers are defamed on account of Christ. It is our own doing.

You can indeed be motivated by love with no faith or a different faith. I am speaking of my experience of the risen One who helped me to take a different direction in life. You can also admire Jesus and not see him as the Son of God. It is always the Holy Spirit's job to give faith to those who seek it.

Look for the evidence of the Risen One. It is not hard to find.

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